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Sportingclass updates

Hospitality on the golf course is the best way to cultivate business & entertain clients…

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It has been a bleak year. We all know that. The list of downsides of lockdown is never-ending.Second to that though, is the detrimental effect on businesses from lack of face-to-face meetings, sales conferences, meetings, sports hospitality, dinners, lunches and basically all the things we took for granted as our limitless list of business sales…

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Why we cannot wait for golf to reopen!

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Why we cannot wait for golf to reopen!We are two months into the 2021 lockdown; cases are now rapidly falling, and the vaccination programme appears to be successful. At Sportingclass we are eagerly awaiting the government’s expected announcement on Monday 22nd February to clarify the roadmap out of lockdown. This brings a fresh sense of…

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Let’s get Golfers back on track!

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Without sounding a little like a broken record and repeating the shouts of golfers all over social media wanting to get back on the course… we wanted to dive into our take on why Sportingclass thinks golf can reopen safely as lockdown begins to ease.Yesterday the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Golf set out their proposals…

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Back on Course…

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It has been brilliant to be back in action on the golf course with the resumption of The Sportingclass Industry Invitational.The Property & Construction Golf Day was played last Tuesday under sunny blue skies at The Grove and the M Day will be played at Stoke Park this week.Two more qualifying rounds will be played…

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The Rugby Legends Charity Match is always a brilliant event, full of camaraderie, laughter and generosity

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This year, raising funds primarily for Tom Smith, (who very recently played for the Legends) brought with it and even tighter group of teammates and friends all pitching in to support Tom and his family. Sportingclass take huge pleasure in running the London-leg of the Legends fixture and would like to say a heart-felt, massive…

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