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Let’s get Golfers back on track!

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Without sounding a little like a broken record and repeating the shouts of golfers all over social media wanting to get back on the course… we wanted to dive into our take on why Sportingclass thinks golf can reopen safely as lockdown begins to ease.

Yesterday the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Golf set out their proposals within the document titled COVID-19 Secure Golf in the United Kingdom which outlines the steps taken by the golf industry to ensure player and staff safety. It outlines from a scientific point of view that golf can be conducted as safely as other forms of exercise currently allowed such as walking, running and cycling and that the golf industry is ‘ready and willing’ to return safely as soon as possible.

As the evidence within the report states, Golf, along with a few other sports, really should be in the first wave to come out of lockdown.

It is, of course, played outside so lends itself undeniably well for social distancing! Of course, nothing is 100% safe when there is a virus lurking – but we think after nearly a year of living with COVID 19, most people are very receptive to following guidelines that could help open our courses. Every golf club we have dealt with have been very responsible – strictly ensuring every golfer follows the guidelines set out in England Golf’s return to play framework.

Social drink afterwards, can be outside, until the country has a firmer grip on the virus and vaccinates are more entirely rolled out – there are not many other high risk areas for contamination.

However, the main reason that we think courses should open is because the good they do mentally and physically far outweigh the negligible chance of someone contracting COVID19 whilst playing golf.

Golf is a physical activity that is suitable for both sexes, all ages, and all fitness levels. It has been proven to help those with mental illness, depression, anxiety, stress & dementia. Just being out in the open, fresh air gives everyone a mental boost but to be with a friend and to chat and laugh gives more of an ultra-boost to people’s mental well-being. Funnily enough experts have said that the concentration required to play golf deactivates other worries and everyday stresses – another contributing factor that makes regular golfers less likely to suffer from stress and anxiety!

 Golf is also perfect for those with physical disabilities and those in rehabilitation as its low impact & low intensity cardio exercise – but it is exercise and even when taken slowly the longevity of the exercise is proven to have a positive impact of the health of the player.

So, from keeping fit, to staying positive and happy and being out in the fresh air – there is not actually a downside to golf – other than occasionally it can be a tad frustrating!!!

We certainly will ensure that Sportingclass are ready for golf when it returns with a range of new and exciting offerings for 2021.
Find out more about the Sportingclass Golf Club

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Read more about the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Golf report here: COVID-19 Secure Golf in the United Kingdom


Andy Lee

All stories by: Andy Lee